Moscow Polytech Students Invited to Join “Ex Libris 2024” Contest

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Our English-language Programs

Moscow Poly Announced Schedule for Sports Trainings in 2022/23 Academic Year

Open Day Event: Moscow Polytech Specialist to Talk on How to Build Successful Career in Media Industry

Moscow Poly Students to Participate in “Grandsons of Victory. Leningrad” International Meeting

Moscow Polytech Students and Employees to Receive Mendeleev Card

Bolshaya Razvedka” Contest of Innovation Projects Set Off

Code of Social Ethics

Moscow Poly Announced Schedule for Sports Trainings in 2022/23 Academic Year

Russian Artweek Competition

International Exhibition of Inventions “INOVA-2021”

Moscow Poly to Hold Geographical Dictation 2022

Recruits Training. Information Front” for Young People

Do/Do” Exhibition

LG Electronics Invites On Journey to VR World